Don’t Give Up On Your Workout!

Stick With It and Don’t Give Up On Your Workout!

As an Austin personal trainer for almost 20 years and as a longtime gym owner, I’ve certainly seen my share of people come and go. Most folks start off with the greatest of ambitions and a reinvigorated sense of purpose. All too often, however, these fall by the wayside when the reality of long hard work sets in and the immediate gratification we so often seek isn’t there. Don’t give up on your workout!

Changing your body is no easier than changing your life. In fact, in many aspects, it’s the exact same thing. Progress is slow coming and hard fought. Every day there’s the same struggles and temptations you’ve always faced before you. It’s seemingly almost cruel how it works until you remember one thing that so many forget. Your current state has not always been that which it now is and your getting to that aforementioned state was not an overnight occurrence though it may seem that way. So often a lady will say to me how she used to be a size 4 and in the past few months she’s ballooned up to well over 200 pounds. Logic tells us that’s virtually impossible without a very intentional, ridiculously over the top, daily caloric binge.

Changes for the better or worse are gradual and the facilitation is a daily ongoing event. In order to make positive changes to your body, you’ll need to ask yourself questions you may not wish to truthfully answer. For example, why do I continue to do that which I know is harming me and keeping me in my downward spiral? Honesty breeds motivation which in turn breeds consistency and results. 1 step at a time, day by day you’ll get closer and closer to realizing your goals.

Don’t give up on your workout! Giving up is all too easy. Hard work over time isn’t but as I like to say, if there’s something worth having, then you have something worth working for.

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My name is Andy Bruchey and I founded Complete Fitness Design over 20 years ago. I specialize in weight loss/gain, including the addition of quality, lean muscle mass, corrective flexibility, post injury rehabilitation, nutrition and sports specific training.
Don't Give Up On Your Workout
Article Name
Don't Give Up On Your Workout
Austin personal trainer Andy Bruchey writes of the importance of being consistent in your efforts and whatever you do, don't give up on your workout.
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Andy Bruchey- Complete Fitness Design
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Complete Fitness Design
Complete Fitness Design
3100 W Slaughter Ln Austin, TX 78748

About Andy

My name is Andy Bruchey and I am a longtime Austin personal trainer having founded Complete Fitness Design over 20 years ago. I specialize in weight loss/gain, including the addition of quality, lean muscle mass, corrective flexibility, post injury rehabilitation, nutrition, and sports specific training for professionals. Contact me today to see how I can help you!
3100 W Slaughter Ln Austin , Texas 78748 512-484-2270