There’s No Reason To Have Trouble Finding Time To Workout
As a personal trainer in Austin, TX for 21 years, as well as a gym owner for close to a decade, I can assure you wholeheartedly, that I have heard every excuse in the book as to why people couldn’t work out, couldn’t make their appointments, couldn’t lose weight, couldn’t eat what I asked them to eat, etc. The excuses come easily, but unfortunately, the results don’t, so a little common sense will tell you that if you are unwilling to put in the work, you simply aren’t going to meet your fitness or athletic goals. I think it’s safe to assume that no matter your ambition or undertaking, if you don’t put forth the consistent effort, you will fall short of your goal. While some excuses are actually amusing, akin to the classic my dog ate my homework variety, the most common one I hear is I’m having trouble finding time to workout.
Finding time to workout is not really that big of a problem. It’s simply a matter of priorities. I understand that people can be insanely busy with a multitude of work and family responsibilities, but as I always point out, the president of the United States, no matter which one we’re talking about, always finds time to workout. I find it hard to believe that if the leader of the free world, who has a family as well, can find the time, that any one of the rest of us can’t.
Usually the people that claim they can’t find time to workout are actually the people with seemingly the most time on their hands. The upper middle class/wealthy housewives with high school age, or older children. This has been a consistent theme for as long as I’ve been a personal trainer in Austin, and I can’t believe that it is only systemic to Austin, TX.
Everyone has a routine, and we all fall into patterns. Usually these patterns revolve around necessary activities, such as caring for our young, working at our jobs, etc. Once we establish a routine, often times it’s very hard to dissuade us from it, even for a workout. One thing I have noticed, however, is that if someone were to tell that same “overly busy” person that they were going to feel sickly, lose money, or any other ill fated fortune, unless they were to workout, they would quickly, and easily find the time to do so. Frankly, it’s not deceptive to insinuate that one may feel old, tired, sickly, and unable to go to work if they say they are having trouble finding time to workout, as opposed to simply doing it, and being done with it.
Working out consistently and properly is a mindset, as is healthy eating, regular sleep patterns, and so on. Anything you do, whether it be negative or positive, is a mindset, and it’s entirely up to you to not only get into that positive mindset, but to find the motivation, to stay in that mindset. Finding time to workout is the easy part, believe it or not. Doing it, and doing it like you need to, is the part that takes a lot more energy rather than dismissively postponing it because you are having trouble finding time to workout.
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