Stuck On The Road? Do A Hotel Room Workout!
They say that you can’t predict where life will take you, and to a great extent, that holds very true. Obviously, certain behaviors and lifestyles can offer more predictable results than others, but generally speaking, we assume we know what we’ll be doing and where we’ll be at certain times, but those predictions aren’t always reliable. For example, you’re working at your desk and then you get an e mail that you’re going to have to travel for 2 weeks on business. You scan the hotel’s amenities, and quickly realize they are sparse, as is going to be your free time in between meetings on this trip. What do you do so as to not lose momentum with your workouts? A hotel room workout, of course!
Hotel room workouts sound, by definition, that they are an underwhelming waste of time, but with a little motivation, and a lot of creativity, you might find yourself rather surprised. Every hotel room has a floor, so with that said, you have a rather large list of options at your disposal, should you be inclined. For example, burpees are an exercise that incorporates a lot of different muscles throughout the range of motion including, the abs, the core, the quads, the hamstrings, etc, etc. Pushups are another option for an exercise, provided, of course, that you don’t have a host of imbalances throughout your pectoral and deltoid regions. For the those who aren’t quite ready to do them in the classic fashion, you can substitute your knees for your toes and make them a bit easier.
Core work can easily be accomplished on that same aforementioned floor by doing planks. You can also raise up on 1 arm while extending your other arm up above you to put an extra emphasis on the internal obliques.Crunches, which are more for abdominals than core, can also be performed on that very floor. Reverse crunches, which are performed while laying on your back with your legs together, and up in the air, with the feet lowered so your calves are parallel with the floor.
As long as I’ve been an Austin personal trainer, I’ve always told my clients that it goes without saying, that a well equipped gym is ideal, but on those occasions when that’s not a possibility, and you’re short on time, a hotel room workout can absolutely suffice. Try doing 10 sets of 25 quality pushups followed by some 3 minute planks, and add in some tricep dips on the bathtub”s edge, coupled with 200 burpees and then tell me that your hotel room workout was insufficient.
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