Will New Year’s Resolutions Take The Weight Off?
A lot of people will be flooding the gyms across the world in the next month or so as part of their new year’s resolutions. This is a documented, undeniable, and very predictable occurrence, and as an Austin personal trainer for around 20 years, I’ve seen it year after year. Most all of these people whom are seeking a positive change have the very best of intentions, but unfortunately, the plan is flawed from the start.
Waiting for New Year’s to make any resolution, including one about health and fitness, on any level is pointless. Every single day begins a new calendar year. Think of it. Your birthday, wedding anniversary, or any other significant occasion, isn’t celebrated, nor much thought of on New Year’s day proper. Why? Because there are 364 other days in the year upon when these, or any things may fall upon.
We don’t wait to get married on New Year’s day, start a new job, or have a baby born then, so why would you wait for that day to start a fitness regimen and clean up your diet? If you are truly serious about making positive changes, you seize the moment, whenever that may be, and follow through with your carefully constructed plan. Your start date anniversary will follow precisely 1 year later and then, if you’ve successfully stuck with it, you can celebrate one full calendar year of making better choices with food and engaging in exercise.
In all seriousness, there is nothing wrong with starting on New Year’s to begin anything. After all, it’s just another day, but if we are to be honest with ourselves, and reflect back to the many resolutions that have fallen by the wayside over the years, it seems to me that you would want to be a little more prepared mentally for the undertaking as opposed to the “oh well, the time is now because it’s a New Year”.
When you are truly ready to make the necessary changes to your health, forget new year’s resolutions. Instead, start by constructing a well thought through plan of engaging in regular, and appropriate exercise, as well as plotting out the necessary dietary changes that will benefit your new found mission of becoming healthier. When you go that route, you will have a far greater chance of succeeding than if you were to simply head to the gym as the masses do every January, just to quit come February when all the weight didn’t come off.
Ready to Get Started?


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