Does it Matter if it’s Fast or Slow Weight Loss?
When we are trying to lose weight, there are many different approaches we can take. We can embark on a new fitness regimen. We can embrace a diet. Ideally, we would do both for the best possible results, but what about speed? Does it matter if it’s fast or slow weight loss?
A new gym member today asked me that excellent question. She asked does it matter if you do fast or slow weight loss. This has been a subject of great debate over the years amongst scientists, nutritionists, and personal trainers, as well. Conventional wisdom long held that in order to drop the weight, you must do it slowly over time to ensure that it won’t come back on. This, however, has been proven to be inaccurate in any number of newer studies which have demonstrated that the weight will likely come on again anyway, as our resting metabolic rates suffer a slowdown that we don’t bounce back from when losing weight. Whether it be fast or slow weight loss, is irrelevant as your metabolism is affected to the same degree in either case scenario.
Another consideration in the fast or slow weight loss discussion, at least in the immediate term, should be water weight. If you exercise quickly and lose the water through sweat, and through heavier breathing, you will put that water weight back on just as quickly as if you embraced a more moderate pace of exercise.
In several recent long term studies, it was shown that the group of exercisers who were in more of a rush to lose weight, actually lost no more weight than their slower paced counterparts. In the real world, however, a different story unfolds with the fast or slow weight loss dilemma. It is the group of people who are more rushed to lose weight that actually do lose more. Was this because of a change in metabolism? It wasn’t. It simply was that they got more instant gratification, and as a result, continued on. The slower paced group won’t see immediate results, at least at the same level, so they often will throw in the towel from discouragement.
If you are setting out to lose weight, it makes no difference if it’s fast or slow weight loss, so long as you are able to stick with it consistently and steer clear of the many pitfalls that topple the mightiest of intentions. Fast or slow weight loss is a decision only you can make. Decide which path you are more likely to succeed with from a psychological perspective, and then give your best. Always remember, however, that when you feel as though you have succeeded, it’s just like climbing a mountain. You’re only halfway done. You still have to get down it, and if you’ve lost weight, you still have to keep it off.
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